Noodles with tuna and arugula

4 Personas
35 minutos

You need:

- 1 package of 500gr of Yuli egg noodles
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 2 minced garlic cloves
- 1 teaspoon of smoked or common sweet paprika
- 2 cans of tuna packed in olive oil, drained
- salt to taste
- 250gr of fresh arugula


Cook the pasta according to the package indication.

In a pan, sauté with the olive oil (taking care not to burn the chopped garlic), then add the tuna, smoked paprika, and salt to taste. Cook a few minutes.

Once the pasta is ready, strain and reserve in the pot (you can store 1 cup of the cooking water in case we prefer to add a little at the end of the preparation so that it is not so dry). Add the pan preparation to the pot and stir well to integrate all the ingredients. Cut the arugula into pieces and incorporate with the noodles. ready! to eat!

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