of zucchini

4 Personas
45 minutos

You need:
- Yuli cake dough
- 5 zucchini
- 3 eggs
- 2 onion
- 100 g cream cheese
- salt and pepper c / n
- ½ green pepper
- oil quantity needed.

In a pan with a little oil, place the two onions and pepper. We sauté for 5 minutes. Add the zucchini cut into small squares, cook until tender but not disassembled. Season and let cool (if you have liquids, drain it a little). We add the eggs, we combine everything well, At this moment we can add a cup of grated cheese if we wanted, instead of the cream cheese. We put the Yuli cake platter in a 24 cm diameter mold, add the mixture, cut the cheese into small pieces and place it on top. We take a soft oven for 30 minutes.

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